Editorial tout frais : The Point: Debating bail reform and the challenges of criminal justice reform in New York City

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L’éditorial a été diffusé à une date indiquée 2023-04-16 12:39:00.

Voilà ll’article en question :

George Grasso challenging Queens DA Melinda Katz

George Grasso challenging Queens DA Melinda Katz


As the New York State Legislature debates bail reform, Mayor Eric Adams worries about everything from gun violence to shoplifting, and progressives in the New York City Council want to defund the cops.

Crime is top of mind this week as we talk all things criminal justice with George Grasso, who knows the issue from the street up. 

Talking Points

Grasso rose from beat cop to first deputy commissioner of the NYPD, then he spent years as a judge. Now, he’s challenging Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz in the Democratic primary. 

We asked Katz to appear on « The Point, » but a spokesperson said she was too busy being the DA to stop by. 

Watch Marcia Kramer’s conversation with Grasso here or in the video player. 

George Grasso challenging Queens DA Melinda Katz


Point of View

O’Brien Murray and J.C. Polanco, two of Kramer’s favorite political minds, joined the show this week. 

Is the New York legislature tone deaf on bail reform?


Your Point

Mayor Adams wants to use robots and more technology to help fight crime and bring the NYPD into the 21st century. But what do New Yorkers think of his plan?

What do New Yorkers think of the NYPD’s robot police dogs?


Exclamation Point

In a conversation exclusively on CBS News New York, Grasso discusses the challenges of criminal justice reform in New York City. 

Exclamation Point: George Grasso on challenges of criminal justice reform in NYC


« The Point with Marcia Kramer » airs every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. on CBS2, right after « Face the Nation. » Then turn to CBS News New York at noon for « Exclamation Point, » an extended conversation with our guests.   

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