Cet éditorial, dont la thématique est « la justice », vient d’être relevé sur internet, notre staff est heureux de vous en reproduire l’essentiel ci-dessous.
Son titre troublant (campaign to boost court watching) en dit long.
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Any member of the public can walk into almost any courtroom, watch the proceedings and listen to what is said — but few law students do it.
A project that aims to revive the tradition of court watching was launched in London in May. CourtWatch trains and supports volunteer members of the public to observe and document what happens in their local magistrates’ courts, and will run until the end of the year. Inspired by successful projects in the US, CourtWatch has trained more than 150 volunteers, including Zac Souter, a law conversion course student studying in Leeds, who attended Croydon magistrates’ court weekly for two months.
“I saw a whole trial play out, where someone got sentenced to prison,” Souter, 21, says. “It was
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